
How is Joe Gomez any better than Trippier on the left. He messed up when he didn't call up a left-footed FB. Davies from Championship would've been better than this. I don't blame him for starting Walker though. he's needed for the defensive bit which is the most important one in cups. TAA as a RB is a disaster waiting to happen. He could be an excellent RWB though.
well that is his team. that front-4 almost never plays this way for their respective clubs but here we are.
Yeah and Southgate
typical England. deciding to sit back and give up the ball after scoring a goal instead of capitalizing on the momentum gained from an early lead. Euro 2021 Final all over again.
Anyone is an upgrade on the terrorist Southgate
Hope so. Don’t necessarily like England, but a talented group like this deserves a better manager. The sooner Southgate is gone, the better
At least Southgate would leave
england looks like a uncoached team tbh. no cohesion it feels
Hjulmand with a screamer there! 100% of players on the pitch with Arsenal tattoos scored! Also awful from Captain Kane there
Doesn’t look like it, fair play to Denmark they really upped their game after the goal but we see it all the time with Southgate. Poor tactics and style of play
basically the quality of ur squad. got outmuscled so far though. no idea what their game plan is. is there one?
Typical England we score and then just sit back and invite pressure. Dunno how we got one of the favourites to win it tag
I need my Arsenal back. I’ve been treated to the finest all season. What a bloody eye sore!
We need a long shot threat like this guy… And he’s got an Arsenal tattoo
Another reason is that Arsenal have been blessed when it comes to injuries. The main players have been able to stay fit which is one of the reasons to why Arsenal have performed so well in the past two seasons. So Arteta having really needed to rotate much. I'd be shocked if the likes of Nelson, Eddie, ESR & Ramsdale, possibly even Vieira would be content with their situation for another season
So let me get this straight: United can't sign Todibo because it's an unfair transfer to make with two clubs in the same competition. But Savio can join City who, while he was technically owned by Troyes, played a major role in getting Girona to the UCL alongside City. Seems odd and I understand it's a technicality, but that's still a systematic ownership transfer. United will actually benefit from this in the end anyway because Todibo ain't it. If he was, Barcelona wouldn't have let him go to Nice to begin with.
If anyone says Saka is bad, then they should be at a mental hospital
avatar and I’ve been saying this for a while, Kai is a brilliant platform for others, and he’s showing it with world-class attackers like Musiala and Wirtz to serve as a backboard for. we have one in Saka, perhaps we should find another
Just gonna warn you now, you can't keep Tierney fit
Joe Gomez exists, and a whole bunch of other defenders that should be considered before your best winger
I feel bad at Tierney. Terrible terrible injury that one.
Naah tierney😭
You can't be that absolute in your conclusion about him "not taking care of his body", whilst simultaneously listing off a pure luck based factor as a pot reason why he struggles with injuries. Then it may very well just be luck, right? With most players nowadays, it is luck. Training standards are so high, constantly monitored by physios and doctors etc. If KT didn't take care of his body, Arteta would've binned him the second he walked through the doors.
Just let it go man. Lolo made a mistake. He apologized and Sonny accepted it. Both handled it as they should have as teammates and friends. No need for anymore animosity. Just let others have whatever opinions. This is a page about FIFA….I mean EAFC.
Crying? What was I crying about? That was you, you absolute plonker calling Bentancur racist, saying that the Koreans won’t get over this because they’re republican. Absolute fairy. Fucking vegan vibes coming off you. You’re one of those cunts that thinks there’s multiple genders out there. Soft cunt.
avatar Now thank god that’s sorted, all these ❄️ can sleep peacefully.
Because almost all PL teams are in the same boat, they want to sell their unwanted players first. No disrespect to Eddie, ESR, Ramsdale etc, but I highly doubt that they are top of the shortlist for any club. Lack of gametime last year and they are on huge wages and will need to take huge paycuts unless they join another big club
Arsenal board should give the job to Lord Ozdum so he can sign Che Adams, Dwight McNeil, and some angolans mashallah brother inshallah.
Finest glass money can buy
Don’t pay a premium then. Only way you mitigate and manage that risk. Would mean he’d have to accept personal terms and push for the deal….all been done before
No issue with bringing Neto but I have massive issue with that injury record
As would Martinelli. Great addition if we can manage him properly.
I can't believe it, I can confirm that in January I will be at the Emirates for the games against Spurs and Aston Villa
Literally. Then she claims bullying, racism or sexism but it’s just a case of her being shit at her job lmao
She has to be doing it on purpose…
She’s honestly worse than Michael Owen and I didn’t think that was possible
When you have to listen to Eni Aluko commentary and can’t complain otherwise you will be branded as a sexist and racist.
We probably have the biggest fanbase on sofifa. And we get a fuck ton of trolls. After a defeat we sometimes get 200+ people online on here
Passionate and loyal fanbase.
huge fanbase
You are one of the contributors of it
BIggest club in the world
If this retarded scumbag didn't play for United he'd rightly not be given the time of day. Cheated on his dying wife, refused to do a drug test getting banned and has the shittest takes imaginable.
Don’t understand this obsession with moving Saka. He’s our best RW, end of. Moving him to LB based on performances from 2-3 years ago is madness. Same with the idea of moving him to accommodate Foden. If Foden can’t play well in the XI with Jude in the 10 then just play Gordon and let Foden earn his spot off the bench. England are our own worst enemies shoehorning our best players into the XI just because they feel like we have to. Just like playing Scholes LM back in the day to get Gerrard and Lampard in the centre
So the solution is to sacrifice your best winger? No thanks. Put Gomez at LB.
I’d only consider it if we switch to a 3 back lol Still think it makes more sense to try out TAA or walker at LB and start Gordon to hold width and bring Gallagher in. Foden to the bench
I’m putting Joe Gomez there before compromising my best winger this wouldn’t be a problem if we’d taken better players that were available to him
avatar this is the shit I was talking about ex-professional footballers with the footballing intelligence of a casual.
calma we’ve got Nwaneri
You have nwaneri coming through tbf - and Madrid will only sell if it suits them to.
Is murder any worse because it’s motivated by racism? Isn’t all murder motivated by hatred? I think we have to separate the crime from the ideology. There are plenty racists who don’t commit crimes due to their racism. They just chose not to associate with people they don’t like. That to me is fair, because on the flip side of that coin, I want the right not to be forced to associate myself with people who carry certain ideologies. For instance, I don’t want my kids going to schools where children are taught that their gender is subject to change. People are free to do whatever they want, but I personally don’t want to be punished or persecuted just because I reject that idea completely. Not that I wouldn’t associate myself with anyone who does (I am comfortable around all kinds of people, but others aren’t), but I appreciate that I have the right not to.
People don’t die because of racism. They die because of ignorance(the perpetrator’s ignorance ofc). How can you possibly arrest someone for beliefs regardless of how misguided they are? Every single person on earth over the age of 5 or 6 has harbored/is harboring atleast ONE racist thought. Can someone be racist toward their own kind and should they be arrested for it? Standup comics of all races would be lined up for the guillotine if that were the case.
It is. You’re allowed to believe whatever you want, and I appreciate that. I’m glad I don’t get burned at the stake just because a majority or powerful minority don’t like what I have to say. But that freedom also comes with the challenge to endure the people I don’t agree with as well. People are going to hate you for all kinds of stupid reasons. Censoring everyone doesn’t make those ideologies go away, it just blocks the conversation. There’s plenty of people who grew up with racist ideologies who no longer hold those views because someone was willing to hear what they had to say and refute it in a way that made sense to them. Once public discourse and free speech go away, you’re back to warfare.
Would cost a fortune but I might have to get it, if it does get released
I've mentioned Hancko a while back. Now that he performed well a lot of teams will be all over him... Shame, but still confident we could pull it off if we wanted to
avatar Wow.
Lets go! Saliba starts for France today.
There was a time when only me and maybe 2 or 3 others defended Xhaka on this forum Of course Xhaka has the mental part But Lobotka also has the physical package to be everywhere on the pitch, that's what makes him special.