Unpopular but if Chelsea don’t budge on their 41m price tag and reject the *alleged* 25m offer we made for Maatsen, I would back out of the deal immediately. He’s not worth more than that and he has too many negatives to justify paying that much (short, gets bullied in duels, a lot of weaknesses in defense, etc). Someone like Kadioglu might have weaknesses defensively but he definitely offers way more in attack, in possession, and he’s much more physical than Maatsen too and he’d cost less as well, it’s a no brainer.
Legend https://twitter.com/matshummels/status/1788236695827018226?t=Grz3cvUHEgWvB1U1tzY-zA&s=19 https://s3a.sofifa.net/8aa52b49c3ef094b36b1e3391ef1d44390102459.jpg
you rep a tinpot club and baby bombers be calm
Unpopular opinion: I don’t hate terzic staying. Unless it’s either Klopp, Nagelsmann, or some other real top quality manager, I think there’s no point in sacking him. He’s been our most successful manager since Klopp, and if his odd tactics get results I’m fine with that. We’ve had managers that playing good football in the past and we’ve gotten nowhere, so I’m willing to look aside if we get results.
No Maatsen, no Sancho. Fuck those deals and give me Kadioğlu he can do both
Rather get the 6 month Reguillon loan, then sign Kadioglu in summer
Let's be fair before anybody considers that as serious 😂, that nightmare lineup was purely due to injuries
Nah that's just useless pessimism from your side. We parked the bus and it worked. It was very obvious that we weren't trying to do anything attackingly anymore after the 60th minute. But even then, Newcastle had like 3 huge chances but other than that we kept them quiet for the most part. What's deserved and what's not is a useless question because we let Newcastle dominate in purpose, but our defense was amazing today except Ramy
Every big team has luck on it's side It's about time we do aswell We still very much deserved that win, our defensive input in the 2nd half was amazing, Newcastle didn't have that many chances despite dominating possession in the 2nd half. Very proud of this performance. Massive 3 points, we still can achieve everything in this group
He was never that good to begin with
Gio - Reus - Malen next game pls
Özcan had an interview towards the end of the summer where he said he will keep fighting for his spot at Dortmund and not look for a new club. If his performance stays the same or even better improves from what we've seen in the past two games I don't see why the club would get rid of him. Source: https://bvbbuzz.com/2023/08/25/salih-ozcan-confirms-galatasaray-offer/
Why do our own "fans" act like we are the worst club in the world? Stop being such crybabies. If we loose people are complaining but now we complain even when we do ok. Am not saying its all kumba ya and theres nothing to critique but what i read sometimes is pathetic. What are your expectations?
Well Haller completely lost his form
It was actually justified what’s even more impressive
I wish dortmund kept him 😪, but it's awesome that he's started strong, even if it is against a relegation threatened side.
Dortmund made no attempt to keep him until the last month of the season, which he felt disrespected by. He reunites with a former manager that he enjoyed working under. The entire Prem top 6 has been passing players around for years, but that's not a problem to you?
I genuinely hope the Alvarez deal falls through, it’s such a redundant signing + taking up a big part of our budget.
I mean 80mil is 80mil. Adeyemi still has lots of room to grow and I don't want to get rid of him but considering his form in the first half of the season, his injury record this season, the stupid amiunt of yellow cards etc. getting that kind of money for him doesn't sound too bad imo
That's bad news
There's no way we spend that much for a backup. Can hasn't extended yet. I guess the board doesn't trust him and tries to get rid of him like they do with Rapha. Makes me angry by the way because I don't see why we should spend 40 million for a player that's not even better than Emre
I'd say I'm a friendly guy who wants everybody to be happy, but damn it felt good seeing the rats leaving their ship in the 80th minute
Typical Frankfurt fan
He proved them right
Imagine Moukoko there instead of Haller, ain't no way he makes that dummy, great to have a ST that thinks about the team first
Since Moukoko, Malen and Guerreiro do not perform atm; Reus and Haller are unlikely to start and Dahoud is not on the team, I would prefer if we start against Leverkusen like this: Adeyemi Bynoe-Gittens Brandt Reyna Bellingham Özcan Wolf Hummels Süle Ryerson Kobel
Somewhere in the multiverse he actually completed his move to Roma and Barca failed to hijack the move and so Malcolm ended up fulfilling his potential and becoming a world class player.
Respect Marius But I also think he should've kept 39 haha
Understandable, Reus renewal should be the priority, not a guy who played with the fans and the board just so he had the high ground in his renewal https://twitter.com/bvbnewsblog/status/1612841905179574272?s=20&t=a91cPDO7GJUxoI5DTKgz9g
He had several months to sign a new contract. Give him time until the end of the month to extend, if he doesn't, let him rot with the second team
Idiot level= Infinity
I guess I won't even bother arguing with this bs
It's kinda funny, but kinda sad. Either way he's a terrible person, so it's kinda deserved too.
Ronaldo going to Saudi Arabia, but he SURELY would've changed everything at this club
football fans are weird
A debate only for people will less than 10 braincells. The real ones know there has never been a debate.
saved football
Don't let the greatest football game of all time distract you from the fact that we are all Dortmund fans and will have to resume our suffering in a few days
We all deserve someone as loyal to us in our lifes as Bencho is to Pendu.☺️
Needs another downgrade
This Bencho mf really sits on this guy's sofifa page to downvote every comment saying that he's finished... warra life
Ronaldo doesn't offer anything to his team bar finishing chances unlike Messi who was still the best playmaker in the league last season
This is always conveniently ignored, to them its exclusively about goals which says a lot about their ball knowledge or lack thereof.
Hopefully this restores some confidence. Still believe in him
People forcing the debate but this guy is miles clear
Less than a month after the interview and he already managed to prove Ten Hag 100% right
I love seeing the sofifa kids crying. Messi just bodied you lot, go to sleep now
Goat of futbol, only retards doubt him
The biggest insult to Messi is that the Media compare dolphinaldo With Messi. Messi Is Levels better and He never even Dive in His whole Football History For a Penalty. Thats a great sportsmanship
If anyone likes Cristiano for who he is as a person that individual has deep seated problems.
At this point it's so nonsensical to even compare Messi with Ronaldo, he's on a totally different level, anyone who actually thinks Ronaldo is better doesn't know anything about football (and they probably say that because they like Ronaldo's persona more)
The new Timo Werner, a speedster who is only good as second striker in a system that is adapted to his speed.
I want to say something in general. Why cant people see people around the corner when its about guys like Messi, Ronaldo or Mbappe? I dont question their skills or what theyve done in the past but therefore this means we should overlook that they live in a bubble and act like spoilt brats? Messi cried about leaving Barca and told us he loved this club so much, when the only reason for him leaving was that he doesnt want to earn one less cent and people are like "poor little Messi"(dont get me wrong Barcas politics are ridicolous and am not defending them). Ronaldo brings Toxicity everywhere he goes since he left Real and father time caught up with him. Mbappe acts like a 7 year old kid when he doesnt get his will. These guys undermine every club that pays them and disrespect every coach they play for. Its a team sport, stop being in this cult of personality.
Barca couldn't register him (salary cap) if he had half his wages. But due to spanish law, you cannot have less than half your previous salary in your new working contract
It's just part of his PR
Leave it to rooney. Forever my favorite player. https://twitter.com/ManUnitedZone_/status/1593484363685052416?s=20&t=7gstGLtEw8_3pz6ZsyZ-EQ
I’m taking a screenshot and getting this framed. We’ve finally found the dumbest SoFIFA comment that no one can top.
A giant club like man united can't tolerate this toxicity and arrogance. He should get sent to U19's and not sell him until his contract runs out.