
Leverkusen should go for him he would be great
Good cb
Soo much fucking talent
Not sure. If Girona does qualify for CL and Napoli doesn’t or at least the Conference League, I’m not sure he’ll be poised to take the step down. If he does leave, it will most likely be to another Champions League team since he has the quality.
Yeah I used to play FIFA21 on PS4 but now switched to PC. Mods make Career Mode much more bearable because you can just add more leagues or make yourself unsackable so these objectives don't matter too much. It's such a shame that EA voluntarily forgot about the thing that made their game so popular in the first place. You can also gaslight yourself into thinking that these nonsensical sackings are realistic because maybe they fired you for trouble in the locker room or whatever. Invent your own lore :D
Start playing football manager if you want more realism. Eafc/fifa career mode is just broken for years and they wont fix it because there's no money in it. I started a save with Stuttgart recently and in the 2nd season I got the objective to win 20 home games that season. Bundesliga has 18 teams. Add DFB Pokal to that and you have to win basically every home game. I play on highest difficulty but am actually not that good so I finished mid table in the previous season. Which is realistic for a club like Stuttgart. Totally what is expected from a team like Stuttgart, casually win all home games as if you are Bayern.. Also make 50 Mil profit by selling players that season as well. I might as well sell the whole squad and we close shop. The whole franchise is just in shambles if you want a simulation style game like career mode.
La Liga also have low wages but they tend to insert huge release clauses; Real, Barca, Atleti & co tend to snatch them first; I dont think theres a huge frequency difference in business between Italian Spanish clubs and Italian German clubs really; Its more the Portuguese league which Italian clubs dont buy a lot from, given that clubs like Benfica sell players like Ramos for 80mln to PSG or Felix for 100 mln to Atleti
Asi es Serie A 💎
Upa had a terrible week and not the very best start in the calender year, but all in all he was absolutely class this season and by far Bayern's best defensive player. He has to play. De Ligt should much rather play instead of Kim. Kim is solid and doesn't have a terrible season, but de Ligt is better in defence and on the ball and also isn't as mistake prone. Also under Nagelsmann the duo Upa x DL workes pretty good.
I think a more experienced coach on the highest level would have helped more. Steijn is also “young” in term of experience on the top level
Osimhen 86/90 > Oogaboogaland 80/82 with 96 finishing
Who do they need to talk about their personal shit...NO BODY CARES... if you like that FILT you do in private thats you ...stop talking about it ...nobody cares
Sommer is German through his father, Benito has Spanish heritage, Toma is Kosovar/Albanian, Bertone has Italian and Spanish heritage, Bua is Spanish, and Spielmann has Congolese heritage.
So good
avatar 😄
86/92 at FIFA 2022 (maybe)
Pov: you see him #1 trending and realize you completely forgot he existed
Bro just say Semedo. It’s so cringe when non-Portuguese people try to pronounce it "correctly". Same with Bruno Fernandch
81/87 una bestia
WTF EA?????
So instead of upgrading him, he gets a downgrade?! what a classic Fifa D*ck move, Im starting to notice a pattern. ask for genuine upgrade and get slap in the face. Lost a customer this year 110%! make sure of it!!
ok then! thats cool, downgrade him, how classy, bravo EA, keep this up and no one will be playing fifa any more
That’s because of cowman being a bad coach
Use him as a RW and thank me later.
The real rival isn't in game - Chester
This rating is harsh. He's not and will not become a top player, but He's still a good Premier League Player if given game time. He is also faster than this. Overall should be something like 77/78 or 78/79 I think.
Moved to Augsburg on loan. Hope he flops.
He should choose Belgium. If he chooses France, he will never have the opportunity to become a starter as the position is filled by Digne, the Hernandez brothers. These are players who will still be in this team for years and years. With Belgium, he will be a starter and will have the opportunity to develop his international experience.
his teammates aren't going to hug him after a goal now
I love how every single one of you overrate South American and African talents to death and when a Greek player dares to have more than 81 potential y'all just pray for their downfall. It's honestly hilarious so many people that call Greece irrelevant get triggered and make racist, offensive and demoting remarks of us every time we do something. I've never seen so much coping from Random people. It shows how much greatness we've achieved if I'm honest.
Our coach is stupid for wasting such a decent full back.....
What are you smoking, and can I get some
Gala legend
Italy if you want more competition
Malaka, Turkish scum must be overtaken by Spartan army, must be taught lessons of good behavior
No matter what happens next, this man here is the true hero of this Euro ❤
I will NEVER understand what's going on with Fortounis. Our coach is obsessed with the 3-4-3 and he leaves Bruma in and Fortounis or Vrousai out. This is CRIMINAL... The captain's armband was taken from him, he always starts in the wrong position, and when he doesn't, he comes on as a substitute in the second half SOMETIMES. And yet, still, he has 9 goals and 11 assists! And now there's talk of him leaving? What the fuck is going on????????
Camara is a beast
He's on loan from Arsenal and EA always hate on us
I wonder what rating EA gives him when he comes back? My guess is 82/87. I doubt he would’ve declined that much but EA are stupid when it comes to rating players who are returning and haven’t played in a while.
for the sake of it...
Every week his pace is declining ! EA are high on drugs !
Even when he was not injured klopp wpuld play milner