
Another one obsessed with skin colour
Sorry bro, blame Dumfries or rules, not the ref.
Lmao, people bashing ref for following rules... Taylor may be shit, but he (more like var team) was right there.
Yeah Dumfries is blocking Maignan with his offside position but in the same time he would have never saved that so idk
Its the rule but its a bad rule nqd should be renewed
avatar Tell me you haven’t watched the game without telling me you haven’t watched the game
This euro will be his last tournaments with france he confirmed. What an underrated legend
The funny thing is that in the Bundesliga, defensive cohesion is the biggest problem for us, hence why we're 4th. In the Champions League this was never really a problem so far. Oh and despite all of the Qatar money shit that PSG has going on, I think every real football fan knows that PSG always had good fan support and ultras.
Cringe asf go find some friends and leave Sofifa we don't like you
He has Martinican roots on his father's side. Martinique is in the Caribbean Islands and not in Africa. What many people don't understand about black people in France is that they attribute them all to African immigrants. France has many overseas departments.
on a l’habitude frérot malheureusement hein, après on nous traite de pleureuses mais aucune nation ne subit des injustices comme nous ça c’est la vérité
Argentinian on drugs. Not the first one.
strip assgentina of the world cup and pessi of his media d'ors right now
N.1 - England 1966 most fraudulent wc winner ever.
Will Argentina be stripped of the World cup now? One of their players was literally doping during the tournament. They didnt win it because of him, but they should lose it as a symbol of anti doping. He could never set foot in Argentina again if that happened lol
Im praying for the victims and Sweden. 🙏 Please guys, to anyone who is reading this, BE CAREFUL when you leave at night. I know that we leave in Europe and are used to feel safe, but this is becoming out of the control
too many inocent children dying because of something that doesnt exist People use religium as an excuse for their mental problems
i hope he would be okay
Maybe this comment will be heavily disliked but I honestly think that PSG would be better of without Messi Having 3 superstars in your attack is not good for the chemistry and additionally let's be honest we all know he is just there for the money, there is no passion in his play for PSG (which is understandable as he already won everything he could win) So no disrespect to Messi at this point but I think PSG would be better with young player on the RW who still is a at the beginning of his career and actually hungry for winning trophies, a Moussa Diaby comeback at PSG would be a great signing I guess
Bonne retraite Hugo ! merci pour tout capitaine !
He has officially retired from international football. A huge national career and a very long and good service in the national team. 145 caps, one world cup and 2 major competition finals. Congratulations to him for all he has achieved. A goalkeeper who was criticized a lot, even too much, even though he always did his job. I hope he wins a title with Tottenham, because he deserves it. Congratulations for your wonderful career Hugo.
Hahaha so I give these racist bastards the benefit of the doubt then LOOOOOL. What's the difference between Griezmann, whose mother's ancestors are from Portugal but who is still French, and Varane, whose father's ancestors are Martiniquian and probably spoke French for centuries anyway? It's just pure racism, they don't really care about ancestry, they just care about skin colour, bunch of hypocrties. Also, all this whining from racists about how black players apparently "mumble" or "don't sing" La Marseillaise, when I can see with my own eyes that every player for France sings the anthem, with Varane and Tchouameni in particular belting the lyrics out. Am I missing something here?
Completely agree with you dude! Thanks for the information!
Griezmann is half-Portuguese. Also, every player in the France side is French, I just made this squad to mock racists whining about African immigrants.
God damn you nailed it with that text. Had a blast watching you 2 giants brawl it out. I love both your nations for what i got to witness today. Allez and vamos.
GG 🇦🇷🤝🇫🇷
As someone who has no connection to France, I would like to say that it has been great to watch your NT for the past few years. Many people would have been happy to just see half of the success France has recieved result wise. Between 2016-2022, you have had 1 Nations League win, 2 silvers in Euro 2016 and won 1 World Cup in 2018, and 1 World Cup win. It's extremely impressive, especially since Dechamps have managed to change with new players more than other coaches. Hope it continues for a long time. Maybe not now, but sometime in the future, this achievement will be looked at with great pride.
Beautiful comment
Or trolls. Its just people wanting to make you mad. Just ignore them.
We shouldn't even give them credit, all the racists on this page are probably incels who wouldn't dare to say 1% of their words in the street.
Well honestly he is naturally a midfielder, he plays as a free roam defender now but he isn't really a defender. Wouldn't put him in a cb spot with only two cb's.
Yep it definitely has nothing to do with how poorly run italian clubs were you know. Not like Inter didn’t go into debt just to win a league title or Juve paying astronomical wages to CR7 so they couldn’t improve their squad or Serie A having a terrible TV deal, must be PSGs fault! Also you saying this as a Madrid fan is hilarious, did you just completely forget about the Galacticos?
Mbappe will win a UCL with PSG one day soon and that will get some of these fans even deeper into their feelings 😂 The kid is 23..nowhere near his Prime. He can still get a big move down the line, Ronaldo went to RM when he was 25 or so? OR he can be a 1 man club legend for majority of his career like Messi. So what if its ligue 1..he can win multiple UCL if he develops right and teams is properly built around him and the right coaches come in and help. Already went close in a Final. Regardless of what hes earning..Stop crying. No one knows what the future will bring. If u want to prove he made a mistake..keep beating him in the UCL.
How stupid it is to read as they claim that the guy is earning 600M in 5 years, the only reliable source is Fabrizio Romano and the guy did not give figures, obviously he will make a lot of money but you can not assure something sitting in your fucking sofa
All you broke ass bozos crying over a multimillionaire’s career choice. The man has the freedom to choose his own employer, stop gatekeeping and crying about it, it won’t improve your quality of life.
Stop crying ffs. Maybe he values being a legend of his hometown club over being another one at Madrid. How could anyone say no to what PSG offered him lmao.also winning them a ucl as captain sounds more enticing then winning real another one
This makes me so happy He’ll demonstrate there’s no need to play for vardrid nor Varça to be the best of all 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Only people hating are Madrid fans
Its crazy how he's been hated for setting up generational wealth for his fam nd staying in the country he's lived in for his ENTIRE life
Stayed loyal to his country, city, and club all while making more money, you can’t hate on this guy
These Real Madrid fans tears are so tasty 😂 I understand his choice personally. Who needs to leave the place where you are when you earn loads of money in a beautiful city on top of that surrounded by quality players? Also he don’t needs to proves himself elsewhere Ligue 1 is a top 5 league and he already showed on International/ European/ Domestic stage that he’s one of the 3 best players in the world( if not the best)
A short guide from Mbappe on how to turn in fans eyes from the most promising and one of the strongest players in the world at the moment into an overrated fraud in 2 hours
I don't think Mbappe is overrated, I'm talking about how a lot of people treat him now
Spanish need to learn that, they and their league, are not alone in the world of football. Don't talk about money, I don't think that Madrid's player get paid with peanuts. Always the same bullshit : Yesterday's rich don't accept being beaten by today's rich in the financial way.
I don't understand why they give so much importance to a "player with no future and who plays in a farmers' league." Supposedly for the greatness of Real Madrid a player like him should be insignificant but they do not prove it with so much hateful comment. If Mbappe stays in Paris, he will still be as bright as he would be anywhere else, simple as that.
Good on him to stay and build a legacy of his own in Paris if that's what he wants to do. So many people claim there's no loyalty left in football yet slam Mbappe for staying loyal to his club instead of jumping ship to an already established top European club. Don't know where you all got the idea Madrid is the only valid option to be a top player.
Ngl you got me, I forgot about our takeover when i was typing that in 😂 You get the point tho, honestly I rather PSG win than City
RIP my man, you were always so inspirational!
Rest in peace. Damn this just shows how unfair life really is and that it could end at any moment.
Rest in peace
Rest in peace! ❤️
I mean you still have time to work on these things, most of your squad is in its prime. It's just a matter of sorting out your priorities. Do you want a team that actually plays like a team and wins or do you want another super team that will more often than not fail to work together. Agree with the Qatar point, PSG really has become a tool for that country. Regarding Kylian, idk if it'll be better for you, because he is literally the best player in the world hands down, but I think PSG have the pull and the financial might to overcome his loss, that is, if he really leaves.