souf fc

91 potential for what seriously? 84/86
that's because millwall is based
Real hard to think of an answer for this one 🤔, we have the assna who have a lot of black supporters and then the spuds who is a jewish club. Both equally despicable clubs.
whites are the most oppressed nowadays but we will conquer like always.
What a surprise. Another black supremacist on here. Gtfo
look at what your people have done to innocent people.
Because your own Muslim people made people suffer you will call out the Millwall guys for not liking the blacks yet you will go and bomb the blacks yourself which is hypocritical.
now we're talking. and don't worry im here to give arabs a much harsher runaround dawg.
from one farmer's league to another as far as i'm concerned. should've gone to the championship if he wanted a real challenge
Only a potential of 82 hahahaha, Arsenal think they gonna win the Premier with this?
Why do you think our fans are pussies? Clearly haven’t seen a match at the Den. If you or any of your arab and third worlder friends came here and said this to our fans you’d get fucked up pal. Nobody fucks around when we deal with your types.
Boring. You’re boring. No one is killing black people cos racism, there’s no one stopping you get a job cos racism, there’s no one stopping you raise your kids cos racism, you make out of life what you put into it. Racism exists today because people like you won’t shut up about it. Picking 1 or 2 incidents out of thousands isn’t “systemic”. One thing that’s worried me, growing up there was no racism in an area like mine in Salford, the white guys were a majority but no one of any other ethnic background was bullied for that reason. However going forward, this constant vilifying of young white men from all angles, they’re sexist they’re racist the entire ancestral line and all it’s components are nothing but dirty colonial racists and they need to check their privalage (these poor white working class individuals whom are at the lower end of performance in UK schools) - that right there, that will create a generation of actual racists. And it will be a monster of your own making. But actually. I have the feeling that race fetishists like yourselves really are interested in creating an enemy that provides you with all the excuses you require as to why your own life hasn’t turned out the way you wanted it to. Cos racism right? You’re pathetic.
Oh tommy tommy ⬆️
Prejudice can still be racism though, you seem to think that black people can't be racist lmao
Let me guess, you’re one of those people who think that black people can’t be racist.
83/86 If you actually rate this guy as a footballer you don't know ball, as easy as that.
He was awful, no denying, but not only is match fitness an issue (he played like 60+ this season) and I think the tactical set up of the side doesn’t work. I don’t think you can fit Fernandes + Cristiano in one team — both are ball magnets who want the ball all the time and let’s be real the others will prioritise cristiano over Fernandes
His defending is not this good