
Lollll je hebt het gejinxed maat
Nee, Antwerp de dubbel
Congratulations, what an ending of the season!
If somehow we get Kindermans, then we're building something. Hopefully next season we can get an exciting player, I miss the constant explosiveness of Benson, maybe Valencia, if he can stay fit.
Every hour I feel more stress
So stressful, really hope we can do it this Sunday. People are flying over from the USA, our legends coming to see the game the last living champion from 1957 will be in attendance, etc. Has to be. So much stress, man.
And let's also hope next FIFA we get some new pictures ffs.
motm (for me) in his first game
I agree, De Laet did well, but could've hit it a bit different maybe, Kerk could've passed as well in his situation before, etc. De Laet on Valencia's corner should've done better imo.
We had 3-4 chances, 1 should've gone in. Buchanan should've had red, even if he only had yellow in that situation he would've had a second one.
Not the worst game, thought Keita and Vermeeren played great, some amazing momnts from Valencia (wonderful corners).
Vermeeren is brilliant, also Keita was so good, Valencia came on and we had more chances, Kerk better on the left than the right imo. Bataille was good, I do prefer Avila to be honest.
I think the draw vs Anderlecht was more of a fair draw, Stengs got red in the moment we became better. Here we had 2-3 opportunities we could've or should've scored at least 1.
We deserved more, 2 draws we could've won imo. Next up Genk.
I hope we can win the cup as well, we should make things right at home vs Union.
Soon we need to start winning a couple of games in a row. Hopefully we start with Genk.
It's quite crazy to think about how many CB partnerships we've had since we're back in the first division. Arslanagic - Batubinsika, Arslanagic - Hoedt, De Laet - Seck - Le Marchand, Seck - Engels/Dessoleil and now Alderweireld - Pacho.
Miyoshi's contract will end, on current forms I think we'll try to sign Stengs, but Kerk has to do much much more, since he won't be cheap, so he'll be gone. Pacho's joining Frankfurt. I can see Yusuf leaving if he comes back in his previous form. For the rest, I think we'll try to keep Vermeeren and Balikwisha another year. I do see Gerkens, Vines and some others like them leave. Haroun will retire.
Pacho, Yusuf, Balikwisha, Vermeeren and Avila (if he plays and keeps his form) are all gonna have interest Gerkens, Vines, etc could be leaving due to playtime Miyoshi contract is ending, Haroun will retire I can see all our players on loan (except Fischer) being sold for their buy options
Yeah, this guy is class, best midfielder in the league alongside Teuma I think I said this on my muted account a year or two ago, he really reminds me of Kimmich in terms of playstyle and qualities I hope he gets his call-up under Tedesco
One of my fave players of our team. He should have 5* skills, doesn't even have 4... His pace or at least acceleration and agility is very underrated in game. The rest I can understand he'll have to prove, 83 or so potential tho.
5* skills needed
How does he not even have 4* skills, also his weak foot should be 3*.
His stats are all over the place, acceleration, agility and skill moves (+dribbling) should be higher.
Great cameo, EA should fix his pace, Buchanan and Lang couldn't handle his pace (second half tho, they were a bit tired for sure).
4* skills at least and an upgrade needed
5* skills!
Brilliant corners today, crossing deserves more, same as pace, agility and skill moves. He also doesn't deserve 4* weak foot, more like 2*/3*.
Finally back and again came on and improved our attack
67 crossing, 64 short passing, 78 dribbling, 67 curve, 73 ball control, 88 acceleration, 78 sprint speed, 91 agility, 67 long shots, 4 or 5* skill moves (and less weak foot).
He's not playing at CAM EA... He's playing much lower than Ekkelenkamp. Watch the games, he's playing between a B2B and DLP. CM/RW/CAM.
You can say a lot, but saying he's a shit player when he's been our best player for weeks just shows you didn't watch the games. Next up, he deserves red, but you should watch what Diawara does as well, in other examples you sees Stengs tries to hit his arm because he's putting his arm and elbow in Steng's face. No doub it's red, but doubt you or many would act differently when a hand or elbow is quite at your throat.
CM/RW 73/80 Missed him a bit today, he's truly been insane as a '8'. Defensively has been standing his man, but his passing is one of if not the best in Belgium, also he's been running the most KM's per game since moving to that position, stamine deserves a lot more.
Football IQ is so high, from knowing to take a fullbacks position, to knowing when to foul, when to get between 2 players to intercept, etc. His defensive awareness and vision deserve big upgrades. He can speed up the game and also calm the game, at 17 btw. His dribbling is impressive as well, some very fun scenarios vs Club Brugge today, vs Rits then their whole backline, I'd argue 3* skill moves and a flair trait, + upgrade in dribbling and ball control. His passing is incredible, looks like a La Masia product when you see him play, you'd argue every passing stat could be above 80, but that's seem too much due to him only playing around 10 games for us for now, but deserves an upgrade. Defensively he's very good, aggressive, but not too aggressive, I'm very impressed by how he reads things, deserves a big upgrade there too. I think his acceleration should be around 73-74, agility around 75, very good turning and moving between 2 players for example and always has that extra little pace to get past someone or get to the ball. He runs around 10km per game, so stamina should be higher as well. 72/87 imo, but probably should get to 67-68 first, then 69-70 then 71-72. By next FIFA he should be 75 if he keeps this up tho.
He's got an unbelievable mentality. One of the best I've ever seen. Confident and humble - not afraid to be gritty. And totally self-made. Too few people are accurately scoping the power of a two-man midfield of Onana and Lavia for Belgium. Immense.
Absolute unit of a player
He's faster than this !!
He came very close joining Ajax back in the winter window in 2022. Luckily the deal fell off
I would go all the way up and say he plays like a 86/89 for Frankfurt
Tragic, fighting so long and now this, fuck cancer
Also, can Ben Ring's account be banned permanently?
Last 6 games Goal - - 2 assists Goal Goal Plays as a CAM that touches the ball more in his own half and moves it up. 73/83
Good game, what a game by Nainggolan and Dwomoh so far
avatar FORMATION: 433 GK: Jean Butez RB: Ritchie De Laet CB: Abdoulaye Seck CB: Björn Engels LB: Sam Vines CM: Pierre Dwomoh CM: Radja Nainggolan CM: Alhassan Yusuf RW: Benson ST: Michael Frey LW: Michel-Ange Balikwisha
This is how we should play! Benson, Nainggolan and Dwomoh were incredible today
That's the dream
Nice, now win at home boys
Need a win next game, then against Olympiacos if Frankfurt beat Olympiacos. Wanna see you guys at least in the conference league.
Fischer's not fit, Nainggolan still not fit (even tho was apparently just for some days), Nsimba still training individually (for weeks now, more than a month), etc. This season we've had a good amount of injuries...
Samatta goes from XI to bench on a regular basis, can't be too good for his confidence...
Speciaal een account aangemaakt om hier wat te komen lullen? Denk dat 9/10 van de Antwerp-supporters hier op sofifa net tegen zijn.
Form down to results is okay, in the league 15/18, but it could've easily been 10 less. In the EUL we probably should've had 4/6 or at least 2/6, but we ended with 0/6 due to 2 dumb goals we conceded. At the end except Frey and Butez no one has been crazy good, maybe we can add Benson in there and some incredible performances of Fischer, Verstraete, Dinis, De Laet and Miyoshi, but both Fischer and Miyoshi have been very inconsistent, our defense is lost at times. Nainggolan is out as well, so that's another loss, right when he started to do well or better for us. Let's hope we're both at our best then. I hope for a nice game and a win for us (off course, imagine I'd say I hope we lose lol), imo it's either gonna go 3-2/1-2 or a 0-0 boring ass draw.
4312... maybe 433 but that means Fischer as RW...
Let's go boys, I wanna see a fight and get those 3 fucking points
If we lose today and in the weekend, then I don't know if Priske can survive in my books...
avatar FORMATION: 4312 GK: Jean Butez RB: Jelle Bataille CB: Dinis Almeida CB: Ritchie De Laet LB: Sam Vines CM: Pieter Gerkens CM: Birger Verstraete CM: Alhassan Yusuf CAM: Viktor Fischer ST: Michael Frey ST: Ally Samatta
I believe that with more intensity and will to win we'd have 6/9 at least.