
I miss this happy little bald man. What a player.
I love this game.
Funny thing is, none of this wouldve happened if Bayern didnt loan him to their title rivals
Jealous 😂
this guy is just cold as ice, baller
Leverkusen are locking him up in the club's basement until the transfer window closes because there's no fucking way they are letting him go back to Bayern after all this shit.
Hahahahahahahah get in
Ultimate schizo thought.
Average American with 0 ball knowledge be like:
I got hate when I said he was average for the German goalkeeping talent standard, I hope people realize now, the GK position in German won't have a stable name for a while.
First comment
I will try to do an analysis for Everton squad this summer. I have been following Everton for a few months and I think I have been able to draw some logical conclusions (Of course, I could be wrong and I hope that we all share our opinion with a healthy debate) First of all, current squad: GK: - Pickford: Stay, there is no need to say anything. - Begovic: Leaves. - Lonergan: Leaves. - Joao Virginia: Comes back from loan, stay. (IMO, should be our 3rd keeper) Conclusion: We need to sign a second keeper for cover Pickford. CB: - Tarkowski: Stay, there is no need to say anything - Godfrey: Stay, very nice option for the bench. He is versatile, has been with us for years and has room for improvement due to his age. - Branthwaite: Stay, there are a lot of interest on this player. For me could be crucial for our future, and England CB, left footed, 20 years, with experience on champions. He could grow a lot with Sean Dyche, for me he must be the big bet as a starter for next year - Coady: Leaves after loan, Everton didn´t exercise the 4,5M purchase option, first mistake this tranfer window, solid CB, experienced and cheap. Probably we won´t find this kind of player on the market for that price. - Yerry Mina: Leaves. - Keane: Should be sold. - Holgate: Shoud be sold. Conclusion: We need 1 or 2 signings for the CB, i think that one experienced player could help to rotate and take responsibility away from branthwaite so that it develops correctly without pressure. The other should be able for rotate in case of injury. RB: - Patterson: Stay, young player that could improve for us. - Coleman: Stay, there is no need to say anything. Conclusion: we have a very young player, and a very old and experienced player who, due to injuries and obvious reasons, needs rotations and rest. It would not be a priority, but a middle ground would be great for us, someone consolidated at a good level, who reduces responsibility to both. Giving Coleman a break and giving Patterson development time. LB: - Mykolenko: Stay, decent level, but not enough for me in hte starting XI. - Vinagre: Leaves after loan. (Didn´t play because of injuries, no comments.) - Nkounkou: Leaves . Conclusion: LB is a priority this summer, we should sign a solid player with enough qualities to improve mykolenko's performances. MID (CDM - CM - MCO): - Onana: Stay/Leaves, the great uncertainty of this summer. He has a chance to stay, but if a great offer comes he will leave. He is very young and has very high potential. If sold, it should be for a large sum of money. He loves the club (or so he has implied), so it is a question mark. - Doucouré: Stay, crucial this season and should be starter the next one. - Garner: Stay, at the end of the season he has proven to be a crucial player, he is very versatile, young and he really wants to play, a key player for the future IMO. - Gueye: Stay, his performances has dropped a lot, he is not what he was, but due to the club's situation we should take advantage of him and use him to rotate the year he has left on his contract. - André Gomes: Stay, he is not a player of an excellent level, but he is experienced. We could keep it and use it to rotate. - Gbamin: Should leave. - Dele Alli: Should leave. - Tom davies: Should leave. Conclusion: We have moderately covered this sector of the field. However, I think that a signing would not hurt in the case that leaves those I have proposed leave. It would be nice if we took advantage of some market opportunity. In case Onana came out, it is mandatory to make a big signing with serious importance for replace him. LM: - McNeil: Stay, there is no need to say anything. - Gray: Stay, he is a very good booster, he can play in different positions and he has the level to be a starter. I hope that the fact that Mc Neil is the undisputed starter doesn't make him look for a way out. Conclusion: Well covered position, although it would be nice to have a youngster who develops slowly and serves as a 3rd option in case of injury. RM: - Iwobi: Stay, should be rotation. - Townsend: Leaves, he has been injured all the season. Contract expiring. IDK if we will renew him but we don't have time to risk it. Conclusion: We need a starter RM, Iwobi is not consistent enough, we need much more in that position. ST: - Calvert-Lewin: Stay/Should leave. Is a very inconsistent player, his injuries have gotten us into trouble. At times with us he has been brilliant, but when it disappears, it is long and uncertain. It doesn't give us the reliability we need. If an offer came for him (which I see as difficult) we should make cash. - Maupay: Should leave. - Simms: Should leave on loan. Conclusion: It is the most critical position. We must strengthen this position urgently. The absence of a striker has conditioned the season to the point of almost relegation. Normally, Sean Dyche uses the 4-4-2 formation. This year he has been forced to play with only 1 reference, and he has not even been able to do it properly. We should sign at least 1 quality forward and another of a good level to rotate it. Whether DCL leaves the squad or not, it is the strongest need of the summer. We must sign almost 2 players here. I don't know if there is any sub-21 player with qualities to cover any of the positions we need. Taking this into account, I think that for the summer we should look for: Approximately, in order of priority: - ST (2): Starter and another option - LB (1): Someone that could improve Mykolenko - RM (1): Starter, someone who dribbles would be nice, with good speed, who is capable of breaking lines and sending good crosses. - GK (1): A reliable pickford substitute - CB (1 or 2): We should look for a 2nd or 3rd CB, to dispute the position with Branthwaite to play alongside Tarkowski. Besides, we should look for another option in the form of rotation that is reliable enough - MID (1): It would be nice to have one more option. (2) In case that Onana leaves, we should find a strong starting 11 substitute. - RB (1): It is not a priority, but a middle ground between Coleman and Patterson would be nice, a mature player capable of fulfilling the task. About the transfer window: We have made important signings on the last years (McNeil, Onana, Garner, Tarkowski, Mykolenko, etc) However, it is clear that a reconstruction is more than necessary, we have lost key players (richarlison, gordon, moise kean, digne...) and we have obtained good sales. I certainly do not know the situation of the club with the board, but I know that their main intention is not to invest large amounts of budget. However, if we want to maintain the category and not repeat the disaster of the last two years, it is necessary to carry out an in-depth reform. Knowing that we have a limited budget (despite the great sales) we need to invest our money well. We have a lot of positions to cover, and not talking only in terms of level. We have a very short squad and we need a very difficult transfer window coming because we don´t have enought players (knowing that a los of players leaves). We have important players, quality players that well rounded, could take us much better positions in the table. For this summer, speed is key, we must take advantage of market opportunities, which Everton has not been very good at, but now is the time. We should look for some loans that could help us and save budget. And for signings we have a lot of options where look for, Championship, Scottish Premiership, Erediviese, Portuguese League and of course PL. Despite being the worst team in the competition (apart of hte relegated), we have managed to maintain the category and therefore, we continue to be a PL team, with a very good history, a future new field and a project to start with some top players already in the squad. So I think that despite everything, we retain a good appeal when it comes to bringing players. I hope we will be able to turn the situation around and move forward. We have a great task ahead of us and opportunities are not lacking. I wish us the best. Let´s go toffees!