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Low key their fault to colonize half of africa
lacks clutch gene when CR7 was in similar circumstances he came up with crucial goals Madrid should save their money
I really liked this guy until he posted pro-israeli genocide propaganda. Disgusting human being.
Pick up a book and educate yourself.
Can't wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to return and punish these filthy Jews. Amen 🙏
Damn, another player from this "group of people" trending... wonder why's that?
Queria que se quede por lo menos 6 meses mas en Boca y verlo jugar con otro tecnico pero bueno, preferia que vaya al Brighton antes que al City
SE HIZO JUSTICIA Y NO PEGAND0 A PALAZOS, JUGANDO AL FULBO. Histórico. No elegí ser argentino, tuve el privilegio.
So disgraceful the entire game he was flopping more than a fish out of water
He is 22 years old, and can still develop. How was Messi and Ronaldo at 22?
People outraged. Every single player at this level is on drugs. It is such a backwards mentality to even oppose, to say nothing about attempting to ban, the use of PEDs in professional athletes.
never scored a long shot in his life and he has long shot ability better than Salah !!
Most, young, Brazilian strikers: 170 cm. Most other nation's strikers: 180cm+. Feed the favela children Brasil!
85/89 next season but for me 84/88 is what it should be
I really love him, but my bro wanted to do nothing but disrespect his legacy for these last 2 years. Fact not to be forgotten: (10 WC in MLS vs 1 WC in Saudi League)
He’s got a point ngl
por culpa de la mujer ahora parece un bagabundo
No seas invesil la genetica nomas tiene que ver con el fisico, todo lo demas son cosas como el ambiete donde creces. En Argentina y Brazil el futbol es un escape de la triste realidad y es como una Rama de esperanza para ellos. Ponle que el 80% de ellos practica futbol y eso hace que sea mas probable (estadisticamente) que salga un talento especial. Ellos son mejores por sus ambientes mas que por la genetica.
90/93, i think, he still lacks passing skills, even though he has improved a lot, but having the same potential as Messi and Ronaldo at their prime, I don't think he will get to that level
MLS players shouldn't have potential above 80.
Would be river plate best player that’s who
why has no country
Tenes razón, nuestro mundial fue una vergüenza y decepción enorme, hace bastante que no somos lo que éramos. Pero estamos haciendo un proceso de renovación que tiene buena pinta, habrá que ver si para la Copa America da frutos
El mundial pasado Mexico y Uruguay tuvieron el mismo resultado entonces bueno, hay muchas selecciones que tienen que trabajar
I dont get this move at all. Fuck the Premier League
Why is Messi on there, he’s finished just like Ronaldo, Neymar’s also finished too
decent backup for Vini
Actually won the UCL, and I thought it was a good thing he took over at first, but....time to sack Flick? At this rate you can count yourself lucky you're the hosts and dont have to go through qualifying matches...
Why does EA hate Vini? Can someone give me a valid reason? Maybe bc he is black and EA are racists? Or EA hate Madrid? Or EA hate Brazil? Vini should have been upgraded to 89 by now. Should atleast be 89 next Fifa with the same potential as Haaland and Mbappe. When Ronaldo left, Vini was my new go to player even though we had just signed Hazard, i knew from Day 1 that Vini would be worldclass and allways stood behind him as a big supporter even though he was having some rough times and now i want to see him get the rating he deserves and also o hope he can get a Balon d'or in the coming 3 years.
Sack Flick I knew we would lose from minute 1 Worst manager I've ever witnessed, even worse than post 2016 Löw
CONCACAF is a fucking joke.
Cama instead of Midric
English football on top 👉🔝
I knew Inter was gonna lose the moment I saw the lineup and Lukaku was in lol Whoever thought it was a good idea to start Lukaku in a UCL final should be fired immediately
Id still take prime Zlatan over him
Benzema is a bigger club legend than Cristiano Ronaldo for Real Madrid and a certified top 5 Real Madrid player of all time. He has won the MOST trophies for Real Madrid in history, played 14 years for the club, is the 2nd highest goalscorer in the history of the club, the 1st in all time assists and was the captain of the club for an extended amount of time. He was a part of some of the most historic moments in Real Madrid's history. Someone like Cristiano Ronaldo might have the goals, and he is without a doubt a better player than Benzema, but that does not mean you're automatically a bigger club legend. Cristiano also brought a lot of drama within the club, liking trying to hold the club hostage for money. Benzema on the other hand, never got into contract drama or any drama within Real Madrid. Perez highly respects Benzema precisely for that reason.
He is Real Madrid's highest assister and second in all-time goals. He will be a RM hero, even a legend perhaps. Gracias Karim
Necesitan de mas jugadores negros. Tenemos que acabar con los blancos en el deporte
We can win the league in the next few seasons I believe that
and strangely now they want to sell Franck Yannick Kessié ... we wonder why
A WHOLE STADIUM CHANT A HUMAN BEING OF "MONO" "MACACO" "MONKEY" AND YOU WHITE GUYS (im white) SAYING ON INTERNET CRYBABY? FUCK YOU, YOUR FUCKING RACISTS, PUT YOURSELVES ON A PLACE OF A HUMAN BEING LISTENING 40K PEOPLE MAKE RACISM AGAINST YOU. Vini playwd against 3 english teams, played against kyle walker and they brace each other, BUT THE PROBLEM IS VINICIUS BUT NOT SPANISH A RACIST SPANISH PEOPLE. All guys that calls vinicius crybaby cant hear someone in school, yeah, they are at school age, calls his moms fat with not cry, but vini need to hear 40k people loudly talk "mono", fuck yourself racists shits bastard league, this is too much for a 22 year old player who is at the peak of his performance
He needs to leave Spain, unfortunately. I don't know how the spanish people can tolerate this kind of behavior and do nothing. Disgusting
Vaza dessa bosta de País Vini,
This nigga really thinks he’s Gabigol
Eduardo Camavinga in 5 Years
How can he have 1 star international reputation but dimarco has 2 💀
Diego Lugano (casi 10 años de carrera en Europa con más de 300 partidos jugados, 11 años en la selección uruguaya con casi 100 internacionalidades y campeón de Copa América) dijo que 4 de los 5 penales que le dieron a Argentina en el Mundial no eran. Pero acá fulanitocarp2007 te dice que la scaloneta es el mejor equipo de la historia y que ganaron el Mundial de punta a punta.
milan is better guys, referee was on our side
Mbappe and Vinicius are clear. Those two can create something out of nowhere whereas Haaland needs to relies on services of his teammates




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